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They're Catching On--They Don't Call Me Bosun Anymore!j

Oct 14, 2024

3 min read




I hope you skipped the ad (sorry about that) and got quickly to my music above. It's appropriate. I've made it very clear to the Admiral and Captain of this armada/vessel that it is I, Commander-In-Chief, not they, who will give the orders for this fleet of one.

Things are going pretty well here for me. We're in a well-protected harbor hooked up to power and water. The boat's well tied and not moving at all. Those 715 horses in the basement are quiet (I still can't smell them). The generator sure isn't running. The loudest noise on the boat when they turn it on is the air conditioning--mostly a quiet hum--and I have to admit I am fond of 74-75 degrees--like the three bears, not too hot and not too cold. It does bother me that the Admiral turns the temperature up and down a lot--mostly down--depending on how she's feeling. At times, for example, when she dries her hair, she has it like the north pole in here and freezes me and the Cap right out. It's hard to make it warmer than a cat can stand it so that part's not much of a problem.

And, it's blessedly quiet here. The Admiral and the Captain go on adventures and do errands for me during the day (yesterday they brought back a lot more cat food and kitty litter and even some new toys). And at night, when I like to tip toe around on my cat feet, they're mostly asleep and out of my way. You get the picture: the boat now is quiet, it's not moving, it has a steady temperature, and most of the time I have the spaces I want to myself.

Speakling of spaces, I've kind of taken over. Perhaps my prime perch is square in the middle of the master berth. From that vantage point, I can see almost everything going on in the boat except in the two heads and who'd want to see that? If I can locate the exact middle of the berth, it even works when the Admiral and Cap come to bed but if I'm too much on one side or the other, I get pushed around a bit. I humor them for some face pats, ear scratches and tummy rubs when they come to bed but right around the time they fall asleep, I start my night prowl. Other great places for me are the guest berth (I mentioned this one last time and it's still a great place to be out of the way when the dreaded vacuum runs around the boat or I otherwise feel a bit insecure. I also like the salon settee--either on it if I feel like being seen or below it if I want to enjoy company from my own private perspective.

Did I mention my night prowl. Don't ever tell but I've found my way into the lazarette where the generator is. If the Admiral and Cap ever get it running again, I bet a stream of male cat urine could take that control board out a second time. The Admiral and Cap seem to like the routine of moving the boat and finding new ports. Me, I'm happy as a clam the way things are right now.

Speaking of clams, what's for dinner?

Oct 14, 2024

3 min read





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